Age Gracefully into The Golden Years....
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Do you notice changes that are related to each stage of your aging process?




You may need glasses to read your daily newspapers; you easily gain weight but have trouble shedding them off; you feel tired easily, even doing simple task like watering the plants in your front garden. Soon, you may not be able to hear the conversation your children are having just across the dining table. It is getting more frequent to forget things as the years go by. 




As we age, there are a few age-related conditions we are more likely to suffer from. Some can be life-threatening, some significantly affect one’s quality of life, and some can be treated simply by changing life style and taking medications or supplements daily. However, no matter what your age is now, you should not wait to start taking care of yourself. As the saying goes ~ “Prevention is better than cure”. Support your daily diet with ZHULIAN nutritional products to enjoy a healthier body and mind through your golden years!  




GreenLex I-Complex

Formulated to assist individuals get enough valuable nutrients needed for healthy vision. Contains various standardised extracts which contain a number of phytochemicals may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and the gradual eye-sight deterioration associated with aging. 




GreenLex Memo Complex

Contains ingredients which are known for improving blood circulation. A smooth blood flow to the brain may help in enhancing thinking and memory. Great for health maintenance as well as suitable for the elderly to prevent age-related dementia and condition such as Alzheimer.




GreenLex Organic Spirulina

A rich source of phytonutrients.  Spirulina contains a high concentration of essential nutrients and important trace elements. It is also rich in proteins containing all the essential amino acids and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid required in human nutrition.  Spirulina is known to help enhance the body’s energy performance.



GreenLex MonaCol

The formulation consists of red yeast rice which is made from yeast (Semen Monascus Purpureus) grown on rice.  Studies suggested that regular consumption of red yeast rice may help to reduce low-density lipoprotein - LDL or "bad" cholesterol for cardiovascular health. 



RoyallMix KP

A high calcium soya formulation for maintaining bone health and helping to prevent osteoporosis.  Also rich in neurotransmitter acetylcholine which enhances active communication of brain cells.




Specially formulated not only for boosting under-active immune system but also to help regulate over-active immune system.  Contains immune factors, immune-balancing Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs) and growth factors help to protect against infection and support repair of tissues.




Contain high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that maintain healthy tissues and organs, as well as help protect against risk of age-related diseases.




(additional product for ladies)

Rich in phytoestrogens and antioxidants, it helps to reduce symptoms of menopause and help rejuvenates feminism quality and improve overall health of the elderly women.

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