COLOSKIM The Best Colostrum Product in the Market
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The past 20 years has witnessed the publication of thousands of research papers which were strongly supportive of both colostrum and its numerous components. The papers have provided a review of the scientific evidence for the clinical application of colostrum as a promising immune system modulator.   However, not all colostrum products are created equal. Please read on to understand more about COLOSKIM and why it is the best product for your needs.


Bursting with Nutrients & Immune System Modulators

COLOSKIM SKIM MILK AND COLOSTRUM MIX is a premium colostrum product that is specifically designed to contain high immune-functional ingredients that help modulate immune system. COLOSKIM only uses the colostrum peptides derived from antibiotic-free source using the latest technology in order to preserve the superb nutrition value of colostrum.  


The key constituents in COLOSKIM and their functions

  • Proline-rich Polypeptides (PRPs)

  Stimulate weak immune systems and help re-balance over-active immune systems.


  • Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG1, IgG2 & IgM)

  Protect the body from bacteria, fungi, moulds and viruses by removing bacteria and toxins from the body.


  • Growth Factors IGF-1, IGF-2, PDGF, EGF, FPGF, TGF α, TGF β dan NGF
    • Help slow or reverse aging by promoting wound healing and tissue repair.
    • Stimulate growth and regeneration of cartilage, nerve, bone, and muscle.
    • Balance blood sugars and increase the breakdown of fat.

  • Lactoferrin (LF)

  Binds iron to improve its absorption as well as discourages harmful species of bacteria from growing.


  • Transferrin

   Binds and transports iron, inhibiting bacterial intestinal pathogens.


  • Lactoperoxidase Thiocyanate

  An anti-microbial agent that helps prevent or even treat gingivitis and stimulate macrophages (white blood cells) to gobble up cancer cells present in the body.


  • Leptin

  Inhibits fat-production enzyme, reduce synthesis of fat cells, while improving fat-burning in muscle cells.


  • Vitamins & Minerals

  Aids in the development of strong bones and teeth and helps boost energy.



COLOSKIM has differentiated itself from other products in the market with the following advantages:


  • Fortified with standardised content of PRP and immunoglobulin

  The colostrum used in COLOSKIM is specially fortified with 8% Proline-Rich Polypeptides. Thecolostrum is also standardised to contain a minimum of 30 % protein and 15 % 




  • Refined colostrum

  The colostrum used had undergone the processes of pasteurisation, agglomeration, and removal of fat, yielding concentrated immunoglobulin proteins to boost the immune functions.


  • Uses only first-milking colostrum

  The sooner that colostrum is collected after birth the more immune and growth factors it contains. The colostrum used in COLOSKIM was obtained from first milking only and was

   collected immediately post-parturition within the first 24 hours in order to ensure maximum content of immunoglobulin protein in the product.


  • Fat and cholesterol-free

  The colostrum used is almost fat and cholesterol-free, thus it is friendly to dieters and health conscious individuals. 


  • Enriched with milk minerals and vitamins

   COLOSKIM is enriched with milk minerals high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B2, thus providing a convenient ways of obtaining minerals.



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